Friday, 1 May 2015

Main task

This is the main task that I made, this is the music video that i have made for the song 'Sunrise'

Auxiliary task 2, Poster

This is the poster that i have designed to advertise the sale of the album that i have made for the music video.

Auxiliary task 1, 4 panel Digipak

This is the front cover, inside left, inside right, and back cover of my Digipak that i made for the band and for the music video that was created. 

Question 4

 Media Evaluation
Question 4
 How did you use media technologies in the construction, research, planning and evaluation stages?

The construction of the music video we used two types of digital camera, one that needed a tape to save our filming onto, on the other hand with the other camera we could save all our filming onto the camera. They were both were essential to shoot our films with, as they were able to shoot good quality films and was easy for us to transfer the films onto our mac for the editing. The cameras were not the professional cameras that are used to shoot real music videos or films but we used smaller cameras, this made it a lot easier to carry our equipment around to our locations for filming.
Also with constructing our music video we used an apple mac, this was useful for us to store our entire recordings on, also with that it allowed us to keep everything organised together, we also kept all our draft music videos that we have on this. The mac made it easier to store all our recordings together and stay organised, also it had the applications we need so that we can edit our music video together, this made it easier all together to get our music video together.
For the construction of our music video we also used the editing software of IMovie, this made the editing process a lot easier for us. With this it stored all our recordings into the software alongside the canvas were we put the music video together, allowing us to see a suitable place to put our films within our music video. This made the whole editing of the music video a lot easier, as IMovie also provided simple transitions that we used within the music video. IMovie made constructing the music video so much easier as they provided all the tools that we needed to edit our music video together.

For researching we used safari that is programed in the mac we used, we looked at music videos in similar genres and also with similar narrative so that we could develop ideas for our music videos, like the narrative story, lighting, camera angles and the costumes.  We also looked at previously made music videos that was used in A-level media and what marks they got so that we know what we should do to get the top marks on our work.  We also used the OCR website again so that we can look at the mark scheme so that we know what to do to aim for the top marks. This was useful for us as we can use this to help see what we should do and also with this it helps us know what we need to do to get higher marks.

With planning we used blogger to write down all our ideas and plans that we had, so that we can show what we are planning and also need to do. With this it helped us to stay organised and to also show our progress we have made through out our music video. We also kept our checklist on there to show what we are going to do and also what we did, this helped us also as we can see what we needed to do to complete the filming.  Also with planning we also made an extra copy on Microsoft word again so that we had a back up in case anything happened.

With the evaluative section I used Microsoft word to write notes for all of the questions, also with Microsoft word I also answered the questions on there, and then transferred it to the other platforms through that. Another software that I used was prezi, which is an online PowerPoint software; this allowed me to create a presentation for one of my questions.  I also used the website slideshare so that I could upload one of my PowerPoint presentations and upload it to my blogger page. 

Question 3

Question 3
Audience feed back
Music video
 With the music video I placed it up on my Facebook page and asked people to evaluate my music video. Through all comments it was obvious that they understood it was a rock music genre music video, through both the music and also the shots and angles used, another positive was that the narrative was easy for them to follow and to understand what is going on.  However one comment made a statement that “the editing transitions is far too simple and repetitive through out the music video”, next time I would use more transitions and try and make it look more professional. Another comment said “the timing was good and all the lip syncing was in time/in sync, however there should be more shots of both of them together”, therefore next time I will also add and remove some shots to include more shots of both artists together. Another comment was “the camera angles and shots were good, however sometimes it was a bit unbalanced and shaken” for this I would use a tripod more and keep the camera stationary to make sure that the whole shot is stable.

With the Digipak it was obvious that the audience knew it was related to the music video as both the main artist and actor were used upon the front cover and throughout the whole Digipak, also the name of the song was placed upon the front cover. There was one comment on the colour scheme used “the colour scheme was very good as the colours used were both very good as they resemble the colours from the sunrise” this was good as this is what I wanted to do, so I can relate the colour scheme to the album name/song title.

With the poster it was also easy to see that it related to both the Digipak and also music video, “it was easy to see that this was a poster advert for the album as the album cover is shown, and also online/physical stores were mentioned throughout” , however another comment was “the font was boring and bland to look at, it should be more exciting and eye catching”, for this next time I will use a better font and perhaps even font colour to make it more exciting, some one also mentioned the colour scheme that was used again, “the colour scheme was very good and bright, it made the poster a lot more eye catching”. 

Question 2

this is the slideshare web page that I have uploaded my question 2 how effective is the combination of your main product and auxiliary tasks?

Question 1

This the prezi powerpoint  that i have made question 1 the codes and conventions of a music video